Fly & ride to EU petition launched



Fly & ride petition

You may be aware of the ludicrous situation that Brexit has left us in when it comes to transporting bikes to the EU for holidays. Fly & ride to EU is no longer the easy option it was before Brexit.

If you are riding (or transporting) your own bike, you are absolutely fine, but if you get your bike transported to the EU by a company  who provide fly & ride services and you are not with the truck that takes it there, you have to pay tax at the border to ‘import’ the bike. Not good.

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Now there’s a petition online that must reach 10,000 signatures for the government to respond, or 100,000 for the issue to be considered for debate in parliament. So, here’s your chance to add your voice to the debate. All it takes is a minute on your phone or PC and we are one step closer to getting this sorted.

The petition is called ‘Seek to end taxation on transporting privately owned motorcycles to/from the EU’ and you can find it here:

Fly & ride petition needs signatures

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Here’s what the actual wording of the petition is:

“The Government must make an agreement with the EU to allow third parties to transport motorcycles, used for tourism, to and from the EU duty & tax free and agree with the EU that only a letter of authority from the motorcycle owners will be needed to transport motorcycles through the EU border.

“The Brexit Trade and Cooperation Agreement does not make provision for the temporary transportation of road registered motorcycles into the EU by third parties for tourism purposes, without attracting tax and duty. Road registered motorcycles that are being transported in this way should not fall into the same generic category as ‘freight’ and should not be subject to the same regulations as applies to trade movements of exports and imports when passing through UK & EU Customs.”

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